And the new heir is….!

Alanna and Wolf work fulltime on taking care of their five children. Soon enough it’s time for them to age up and see who the next heir will be!

It’s time for Shark’s first birthday! Together with his mom, who is still in her wonderful maternity dress, and his dad he blows out the candles.

Shark ages up into a lovely toddler, looking exactly like his mom.  He doesn’t carry the legacy eye colour, so if one of his younger sibling does, he is doomed to be a spare.

Taking care of the babies and Shark is a fulltime job for both Alanna and Wolf now. They hardly have time to attend to their needs. Now that Shark is a toddler, he needs to learn how to walk, potty and talk too.

Even though their own lives are on hold right now, Alanna is still as happy as she can be. Being surrounded by family is all she wanted, so she’s most happy when taking care of her babies.

Shark is a super cute and handsome toddler, he loves playing in the box of toys while his parents are busy taking care of his four younger siblings. For now he’s still innocent, but soon enough his evil trait should start to surface…

It’s not always fun and happiness when you have four babies and a toddler though. Even Alanna sometimes loses her patience!

Still she finds time to teach Shark how to walk during the brief moments the quadruplets are asleep. Shark actually manages to learn all his toddler skills in time!

Inbetween taking care of the babies, feeding them, changing their diapers, snuggling and playing with them…

…Wolf has to take care of broken stuff like the TV. Even though he is quite handy by now, he still got electrocuted when he tried to repair it! Luckily he survived, pfew!

Soon enough, it’s time for the quadruplets to age up into toddlers! Five toddlers is going to be quite a handful, but at least they will all be super cute! First one to age up is Scorpion.

He turns into a lovely Toddler with mysterious blond hair (no clue where he got it from) and his grandfather’s green eyes. This means he is officially a spare now, though a super cute one!

Next one to age up is Gazelle!

And we have got our generation three heir! Gazelle looks exactly like her father and grandmother, with dark red hair and the stunning orange legacy eyes! This also means Shark is now officially a spare as well.

The third one in line is Panda…

Panda ages up into a lovely girl with her father’s red hair and friendly dark eyes.

The last one to transform into the toddler stage is Eagle!

Just like Gazelle, he carries the legacy eyes! Unfortunately Gazelle is just a few minutes older and so she will be the new heir instead of him. Ariel’s genes are really strong in this generation, with his haircolour being passed on to Eagle.

And so all babies are now toddlers! Soon it will be time for Wolf to go back to work, so Alanna is going to have a real challenge taking care of all of them. Luckily she has found some great cribs somewhere and now all the toddlers can stay in one room.

At least the toddlers needs won’t deplete as soon as when they were babies, so Alanna and Wolf finally find a moment to sleep together again.

How will they manage these five toddlers? Will they get a chance to teach them some skills or will their needs fully occupy them? It will have to wait for the next episode…

Surrounded by babies!

Alanna is pregnant! It’s time for legacy babies to pop into the world again. Meanwhile, Wolf works hard on his firefighter career and catches up with some family members.

Last episode we left right when Wolf and Alanna decided to break down the old legacy house and rebuild a new one! The new house is a bit more wild and compact. There are four bedrooms, one baby room, a library, dining hall, kitchen, living room, hobby room and three bathrooms! Enough space for the next generation.

Even though the house is smaller, its value is actually higher! All cash is gone now so it’s time to work hard and start making money again. And so Wolf makes sure he doesn’t meet a single day at the fire station.

He gets a new emergency every day now, though most of them are either building disasters or small kitchen fires, so he still didn’t get the opportunity to rescue any sims yet…

Alanna spends most of her time reading pregnancy books and relaxing as much as possible, because she’s pregnant!

Wolf decides to catch up with his family after work and pays a visit to Jaguar and his wife. They don’t have any children nor are planning for one at the moment. They are perfectly happy with just the two of them.

Before you know it, it’s already time for Alanna to go into labour! It’s right in the middle of the night when both Alanna and Wolf get woken up by the birth of their first child. Wolf isn’t being very helpful though…

Alanna gives birth to a beautiful baby boy! His name is Shark and he has the traits Evil and Virtuoso. And so the first potential heir of generation three sets foot to earth!

Wolf and Alanna are so happy with their new baby, that they want to get more of them immediately! And so they go back to bed right away to create more babies. Alanna’s LTW is to have five of them after all!

The next day, inbetween taking care of Shark, Alanna has to run to the toilet quite a few times to throw up. It seems that more babies are on the way.

Shark doesn’t take up much attention, so Alanna is able to take care of him well while Wolf is at work putting out fires like a real superhero.

Still no big fires though. If luck keeps abandoning Wolf this way, he might have to change his LTW into something else, like physical perfection.

When he’s home, he finds some time to read pregnancy books as well, though considering his stupid trait it takes him way too long to finish the books.

He gives up soon and escapes to Tortoise’s house on the other side of town. She does have a baby together with Weston! Though when Wolf visits, the poor baby is just laying on the floor…

While Shark isn’t even a toddler yet, Alanna is already starting to show her next upcoming baby. She really loves being pregnant and takes every opportunity to smile and stroke her growing belly.

While being pregnant and taking care of Shark, Alanna has some free time to pick up some skills. She tries chess, but really doesn’t enjoy it very much.

In the end, what Alanna enjoys most is to just watch kids programs, listen to the kids radio and read more pregnancy books. She is really into taking care of her family and making her LTW come true. She even dragged Wolf with her to the hospital for them both to get a fertility treatment.

Wolf’s fatherly feelings also come out at work! After putting out a small house fire, he stops to give the baby in the house a bottle!

Days pass by, and suddenly, while making some waffles, Alanna goes into labour once again!

She rushes to the baby room so she can give birth next to the new crib. Wolf finds her soon enough and is once again not much of a help.

Another baby boy pops into the world! His name is Scorpion and he has the traits Absent-Minded and Athletic, like both of his parents.

But Alanna isn’t done yet! Another baby follows Scorpion and joins the legacy. It’s a girl! Her name is Gazelle and she carries the traits Disciplined and Easily Impressed.

And the babies won’t stop coming, because a third one appears! It’s another girl. Her name is Panda and she has the traits Perceptive and Slob. Wow, three babies! That sure speeds up Alanna’s LTW completion.

But it seems a miracle has happened, because even after Panda, another baby pops up. OMG, it’s quadruplets! The last baby is another boy, with the name Eagle. His traits are Excitable and Friendly. Remember the order of birth well, because this will be the order of heritage as well: Shark -> Scorpion -> Gazelle -> Panda -> Eagle. Who will become the 3rd generation heir?

Because the house is way more compact than the previous one, there’s actually no room available for four new cribs. Until a solution is found, four of the five babies will have to sleep in the hallway.

And so the house is now dealing with FIVE babies at once! Luckily Wolf got some days off from work to help out with all these babies. Tomorrow it’s time for Shark’s birthday, but it will have to wait for the next episode.

Death, Love and… Life?

Wolf has his first emergency at the fire department, and he and Alanna have their wedding! Unfortunately, this happy event is surrounded by some very sad occasions…

Wolf got his first emergency today! Even though it’s just a small house fire and no sims need to be rescued, he still looks pretty heroic putting out the fire like this.

While he’s out possibly saving a life by putting out that fire, something terrible happens back home! It’s time for Ariel to face the Grim Reaper… Fox witnesses his death and is completely devastated. Ariel begs the Reaper for just a few more days on earth so he can watch his son get married, but Grim shows no mercy and takes him away.

He gets a lovely grave in the corner of the garden, where he has a nice view on the upcoming wedding. It doesn’t mask the sadness going on in the house though. Everyone is very upset.

Probably the best way to cheer everyone up is to have the wedding! So Wolf and Alanna invite over all of their friends and family the next day to celebrate some happiness in between all the sadness. Alanna looks absolutely beautiful with her new wedding dress!

They exchange vows and wedding rings in front of the crowd, some of them can’t hold their tears, for example Jaguar! He’s really emotional about his little brother’s wedding, though some of it might be also be sadness for the loss of his dad.

Wolf cuts the cake by himself, as Alanna apparently couldn’t wait any longer and went straight to the dance floor. The crowd is happy enough about the cake though! Maybe they are all very hungry.

Jaguar’s wife Betsy seems to be a bit too interested in the groom! Keep your eyes on your own husband woman, he’s standing right there and he’s handsome enough!

The party continues and Wolf joins Alanna on the dance floor for a romantic wedding opening dance. They are totally caught up in each other and have completely forgotten about the quests surrounding them. Such a lovely couple. In the back, the memory of Ariel witnesses their love in silence.

Tortoise and Jaguar are having great fun at their little brother’s wedding! They take it to the dance floor as well and show all the guests how Fauna’s can move their hips!

As the sun sets, all guests leave with a great smile and satisfied bellies filled with wedding cake. Alanna and Wolf move to their bedroom to celebrate their marriage with some good loving!

They soon disappear under the sheets to set the first step towards continuing the legacy…

In the meantime, Fox has finished the portraits of both Wolf and Alanna and adds them to the family gallery in the dining hall. Now all portraits of generation one and two are complete.

The day after the wedding, Wolf returns to his father’s grave to mourn him. Even though yesterday was a happy day, he still misses his father a lot and feels really sad about the fact that he didn’t get to be there alive and well at the wedding.

Alanna would have joined him, if it weren’t for the fact that she’s feeling really sick! She’s been throwing up all morning. Hopefully it wasn’t the wedding cake, otherwise we’ll have a lot more people in town throwing up today…

Their first day as husband and wife, Wolf and Alanna enjoy the great weather together in the garden by the pool. They talk about the future mostly, like names for their future children or what they will do with the house now that it’s way too big for them.

Unfortunately, their lovely day soon gets interrupted by another terrible event: the death of Fox! After sleeping through most of the time after her husband’s death, she will now join him. Wolf storms into the room at the moment Grim appears to take his mom. He’s completely broken up about it, losing two parents within three days!! Fox begs to stay, she wants to witness the birth of her first grandchild before she dies, but just as with her husband, the Grim shows no mercy and takes her away.

And so she joins her husband at the grave in the garden, where they will watch over the continuation of the legacy is in piece. They both will be missed a lot. It’s always a sad event when the founder of a lovely legacy dies… Luckily she didn’t leave without making sure all of her children found happiness in love!

Alanna and Wolf now have the huge legacy house all to themselves. Because of this reason, they decide it’s time for something new. So they break down the entire house to replace it for something more compact, but luxurious nonetheless! How it turns out? That will have to wait for the next episode…

The Wolf takes over

Tortoise moves on so the next generation has enough space to continue the legacy. Wolf joins the firefighter career and Alanna joins the family!

Un fortunately, the second generation starts off with a death… of the pigmy tortoise! Wolf is really broken up about it. He’s not ready yet to clean the cage and move on, so he just spends time mourning the tortoise at the dirty cage instead.

Since Jaguar and Betsy are married now, it’s time for them to move to a place of their own, so they can start their own family. They move into a wooden cabin pretty close to the legacy house!

Seeing her brother leave, Tortoise realizes it’s time for her to move on and leave the legacy house as well. She’s gonna miss this place, but she has to make room for future legacy children.

So she calls her boyfriend Weston and asks to meet him at the park at the town square. Even though they haven’t spent much quality time lately because Tortoise worked hard on completing her LTW, they are still madly in love.

‘So Weston, my brother’s wedding was a great inspiration to me! It made me realize that I want that too with the guy I love, and that guy is you! So, will you marry me?’ Tortoise goes down on one knee and pops out a ring!

Weston is extremely happy! He says yes immediately. ‘This is like a dream! I’d love to spend the rest of my life with you,’ he answers, after which he gives her a long and loving kiss.

‘You know what, I can’t wait any longer. I want to be married to you right now!’ Tortoise suddenly says. ‘Why go through all the trouble of organizing a huge party if we can just get married right here on the spot?’ Weston agrees, and so they exchange wedding rings right there in the park.

While his sister is getting married in the park, Wolf graduates at the city hall! Who would have ever thought he’d get this far with his stupid trait, but he turned out pretty well in the end.

When he gets home, he is just in time to witness Tortoise and Weston moving out to their own little place. All the spares have officially moved out now! It’s just Wolf, Ariel and Fox now, though both Ariel and Fox are getting pretty old.

It’s time for Wolf to sign up as a firefighter! He signed up today and will start his profession very soon. His LTW is a tricky one since it’s based on luck (not every job involves rescuing sims), but let’s hope he gets to complete it! Otherwise we might have to pick a different one.

And of course, it’s also time for Alanna to join the legacy house as the official spouse of generation two! Wolf invites her over and greets her with an amazing kiss.

Pretty soon after, he asks her if she wants to move in with him and she says yes! At least now he’s not all alone with two elders anymore, and he gets to have the love of his life around him 24/7!

Alanna makes a small trip to the mirror and gets herself a stunning make-over. If it were possible, I’m pretty sure Wolf is even more in love with his girlfriend now.

The next day it’s time for Wolf’s first day at work! Unfortunately he misses the one and only emergency call, so he spends most his time on training his athletic skill.

When he comes home, he decides that it’s time to take the next step towards continuing the Fauna legacy. He asks Alanna to follow him into the garden and goes down on one knee!

Alanna instantly says yes to his proposal. ‘I can’t believe this is finally happening! High school sweethearts getting married, it’s like a dream!’ she says as she admires her lovely ring.

‘I wouldn’t want to continue this legacy with anyone else but you, my love,’ Wolf tells her, as he gives her a tight hug. Such a happy couple!

And so the the second generation of this legacy is off to a good start, with a wedding coming up soon and maybe even babies in the near future! But it will have to wait for the next episode…

Season finale: a date, a proposal, and a wedding!

Jaguar seals the deal with the love of his life in this very last chapter of generation one! Wolf finally grows up into a young adult and takes over the legacy torch from his mom.

This chapter will be the last chapter of generation one. Since Wolf will turn into a young adult this episode, it’s time to officially switch to generation two. We’ve got lots to celebrate in this season finale!

So Jaguar goes out with Betsy, the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. He invites her to the bistro, though they can’t really eat there since apparently there is no industrial oven on the lot. Instead, they spend time at the entrance. Jaguar surprises Betsy with a lovely bouquet of red roses.

Since she’s really happy with them, Jaguar decides to make a bold move instantly and he kisses her in the heat of the moment!

Betsy is really surprised again, though this time her face actually looks just surprised, not necessarily happy. Will she accept his kiss?

She does! Unable to resist the romantic handsome man in front of her she returns his kiss and there they are, kissing on the porch of the bistro right in the public (while Betsy is actually married, whoops!)

They have a great time together, and they can’t keep their eyes off each other. It’s amazing how successful the generation two kids are when it comes to love. they all capture the most handsome folks in town, no matter if they are already in a relationship or not!

When the evening strikes, it’s time to go home. Jaguar kisses his new love goodbye with a very romantic dip-kiss, making sure she won’t forget him when she has to return to her husband tonight. She promised to divorce him though, so that’s a start.

In the meantime, Tortoise fully focuses on her skills. She’s got her logic at level 9 and her athletic skill soon to be completed. She’s almost there! Though when she’s done, finding love will be easy for Tortoise since she still has her boyfriend from high school: Weston.

Wolf and Fox spend some time together in front of the TV. Fox explains the responsibilities of being heir to him. ‘You will have to make sure you get a baby who carries your yellow eyes. This one will be the next heir! Are you sure you and Alanna can take care of lots of babies? You might have to have eight of them before you get one with the right eyes!’
‘Mom, please! I’m still a teenager, can we not talk about making eight babies right now?? It’s awkward!’

The next day Betsy shows up at the Fauna house, to tell Jaguar she got rid of her husband. ‘I’m all yours now,’ she tells him with a loving smile. ‘Nothing can stop us anymore from being together forever!’

And so they seal the deal by officially becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.

Jaguar asks if Betsy wants to spend the night at the legacy house, and she agrees. She doesn’t want to go home at all!

That night they fall in love even more and prove it to each other underneath the sheets, creating fireworks made of hearts.

Betsy is clearly very happy about what happened that night when she gets out of bed in the morning. She can’t hide her smile and even the way she walks reveals her happiness.

Totally being head over heels, Jaguar decides that there’s never going to be any other woman in his life that will make him as happy as Betsy does. And so he dresses up in his best outfit and goes down on one knee!

Betsy instantly accepts his proposal, admiring the lovely ring he bought for her. ‘I can’t believe this! Yesterday I was still in a divorce, and now I’m getting married again!’
‘You don’t think it’s too soon, do you?’ Jaguar asks her.
‘Noo! I love it! I’m really happy! We should get married right away. Let’s organize a great party!’

And so the next day they invite everyone they know for a lovely wedding in the garden. Alanna and Weston are there too, to get a taste of what it’s like to marry into the Fauna legacy!

The ceremony starts and Betsy and Jaguar exchange their vows to each other. ‘Ever since I first saw you, I knew you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever meet in my life. And soon I found out you are smart and funny too! I can’t wait to start a life together with you.’ The whole crowd applauds to Jaguar’s wonderful vows and some of them even cry!

They exchange rings with a bright smile on their face. Luckily, living in Lucky Palms means there’s great weather most of the time. It makes the scenery look wonderful and romantic despite the desert surrounding them.

They seal their marriage with a lovely kiss in front of the crowd. Of course, none of them sat down, as always. Nonetheless they enjoyed the wedding fully!

The ceremony ends with the cutting of the wedding cake. It doesn’t only look amazing, but very delicious as well. Surely the guests will make it disappear in an instant.

After the ceremony Betsy takes a trip to the mirror to enhance her looks a little bit. Isn’t she stunning? This town really has created a lot of beautiful sims!

The wedding ends with a very important birthday! It’s time for the heir to age up into a young adult and take the legacy torch from his mother. Wolf ages up in the company of lots of family and friends.

He turns into a really handsome young adult! I’m sure Alanna is very pleased with the way her boyfriend turned out. He gains the trait Loves the Heat, which will fit his future firefighter career. We will now move on to the next generation in this legacy, but how Wolf will do as a heir? It will have to wait for the next episode…

The secrets of Al Simhara

Jaguar goes on adventures to get is photography skill going in Al Simhara! When he returns, it’s time for Tortoise to graduate, and Wolf goes to prom!

Ahh… the warm sun of Al Simhara! Jaguar starts his adventure in the land of mummies and pyramids by buying himself the best camera he can get. It’s time to get that photography skill going!

He decides to dive into the tomb next to the camp first to take some pictures of ancient artifacts and treasures there. Of course, while he’s at it, he has to find his way out again as well.

During his adventure, Jaguar bumps into plenty of gold! He decides to risk getting cursed and opens every chest and grabs every pile of gold he can get!

Jaguar really shows no fear as he wanders in deeper and deeper into the tomb. All he can think about is the amazing pictures he can take of the mysteries hiding inside!

After a few hours of solving puzzles and filling his pocket with ancient gold, Jaguar finds the exit! He returns to the camp to make himself some dinner to prepare for his next adventure.

And so, while the sun is setting, Jaguar sets out to travel through the vast and beautiful nature of Al Simhara, in search for more pyramids and other secret tombs to take stunning pictures of.

He finds a big pyramid which has a hidden door! Jaguar ventures inside, excited about all the secrets he will find inside.

Inside, Jaguar doesn’t only find more secret doors, secret keys and secret treasures, he also finds a secret indoor garden!

Too caught up with the beauty of the place, Jaguar accidentally steps into a trap! Luckily it’s not a deadly one, but it does leave him soaked in some really stinky fluid…

Jaguar brought Shower in a Can with him, but every time he tries to use it he pees his pants! Maybe the stinky fluid was cursed, or maybe Shower in a Can just really sucks.

Having to abandon the pyramid because of this unfortunate accident, Jaguar cleans up back at the camp and decides to go enjoy some lovely views instead. He is able to take a great picture of the Sfinx!

Before he knows it, the vacation is already over. Jaguar got his photography skill up to nearly 8 points, so he should be able to complete his LTW back home in Lucky Palms. He’s gonna miss the adventurous Al Simhara though!

He’s back just in time for Tortoise’s graduation! Ohmy, the kids really have grown up so fast…

Wolf tries to get his handiness skill going by reading a skill book, but it really takes him way too long with the stupid trait.

Now that she doesn’t have to worry about school and homework anymore, Tortoise is also able to fully focus on completing her LTW. She doesn’t need any fancy trips to complete hers though.

Fox finishes the portrait of Jaguar! Jaguar also paints Tortoise’s portrait, so that all the grown-ups have a portrait now.

It’s also finally time for Wolf to go to prom! Even though Alanna is already a young adult now, she  still goes with him as his date and they have a great time together.

Jaguar completes his LTW after taking some nice shots of the town! This means he can now focus on finding love and moving out! Guess who he calls to hang out with?

It’s Betsy! But to see how their meeting ends, we will have to wait for the next episode…

The magical park

Jaguar graduates and bumps into someone very lovely! Wolf continues his romance and it’s time for Tortoise to age up as well.

Becoming a young adult, it’s time for Jaguar’s graduation! He spent most of his life as a teenager training his painting skill and doing his homework, so he never really got into any romantic relationships besides a fling at prom.


But at the graduation ceremony, he suddenly sees the most beautiful woman he has ever seen! Her name is Betsy and she’s actually Weston’s older sister! (Tortoise’s boyfriend).


Love seems to be in the air for everyone in the Fauna family now. as Wolf calls his new crush Alanna for a date in the park. Even though they aren’t officially in a relationship yet, they great each other with a kiss.


They try out the skating court, and at first it seems to go really well! They romantically spin around in a circle, though it’s a little clumsy as well.


It was bound to happen, as the spinning goes faster and faster both of them lose their balance and BOOM! There they are, on the floor. Ouch…


Safely back into their own shoes without wheels under them, the two decide to watch the sunset together. ‘You know, when I first saw you, I could’ve never dreamed that we’d be here like this, in the park together. Did you know this is where my parents first met?’ Wolf tells Alanna.


‘You didn’t tell me, but it seems like this park is magical to your family…’ Alanna answers, as she moves in closer to cozy up.


And so, under the colourful evening sky, the two of them decide that it’s time to make it official. They seal their relationship with a kiss and are now officially boyfriend/girlfriend!


In the meantime, some changes are made to the garden around the house. Because Paparazzi were continuously bothering the family, it is time to put up a gate. In addition to this, the garden is expanded and a garage is added for the cars. Now there is plenty of space for wedding arches and graveyards in the future.


Because Jaguar can’t paint his own portrait, Fox decides to pick up the painting skill as well so the portrait collection can be complete. She prefers painting next to her garden, in the fresh outside air.


Wolf, completely in love with his new girlfriend, invites her over to the house the next evening to hang out, though they mostly just kiss in the garden.


Though Alanna also insists on making some homework, since she’s not as keen on ignoring the whole homework thing as Wolf is. Since he doesn’t wanna look too stupid in her eyes, he decides to join her. Not to his great amusement though.


His patience pays off though, since she ends up staying the night!


The next day it’s time for the next sibling to age up into a young adult already, Time flies by thes e days! Tortoise blows out her candles and ages up.


Tortoise turns into a beautiful young adult. She gains the flirty trait and changes her hairstyle a little bit. Her lip really doesn’t look that strange anymore!


Now that both Jaguar and Tortoise are young adults, it’s time for them to finish up their LTW’s. Jaguar still needs most of his photography skill, so he decides to take a solo trip to Al Simhara! But the adventures he has there, will have to wait for the next episode…


Love at first sight

Fox finally ages up into an elder, and Wolf gains a crush on the prettiest girl in class! Will she like him too?

Last time we saw our future heir Wolf age up into a lovely and mostly handsome teenager. Since he won’t be able to charm girls with his brain, it’s good that he has got the looks! Since anything geeky won’t be suitable for him, Wolf decided he wants to become a firefighter. And so, immediately after his birthday, he runs to the tv to start working out.


Ariel has also picked up a new skill: writing. He’s going to use it to make the family some extra money, because they have been a bit short on cash lately.


While staying on the topic of skills, since Jaguar wants to become a visionary he bought himself a book about photography at the consignment shop and started upping his skill to level 3. He will max out his painting skill before actively pursuing photography, but it’s always good to have a little head start. For some reason, he always wants to read by the pool though… strange guy.


As the evening approaches, there is another birthday that can’t be avoided. Fox doesn’t feel like having a party though, so she just ages up on the front porch.


Even though her youth has gone, Fox as an elder is still beautiful.  Her radiant eyes are still filled with life, and she will make sure all her children are set up for a good future before she leaves this world.


Wolf became a victim of a prank! Though the question is, who did it? He doesn’t know, so taking revenge will be hard.


Even though Fox is an elder now, she doesn’t stop with her work as a gardener. Though more and more of her plants are getting barren and she isn’t replanting any new ones, there are still plenty to take care of.


Whenever she’s not working on her garden, she loves to relax in the pool. Especially when it’s a lovely day like this one!


The next day Wolf goes to high school for the first time and he immediately falls in love with the prettiest girl in class! He spots her for the first time as she runs out of the school building on her way home. Her name is Allanna and she lives on the other side of town.


Wolf decides not to waste any time on homework he will never finish anyways and he visits Allanna at her house! After introducing himself, it’s instantly clear that the two are made for each other.


‘I’m glad you came over. It’s hard to make friends at the first day of school you know, so I’m happy that we get to be friends now,’ she tells him with a lovely smile.


‘When I saw you, I instantly knew that I wanted to get to know you better. You might be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen!’ Wolf tells her with a straight face. He really seems to be confident about his chances with her.


Allanna answers him with an even more mesmerizing smile. ‘Ohh! That’s so nice of you to say, haha! I’m sure we’ll have a wonderful time together.’ Doesn’t she have beautiful eyes?


Wolf leaves her house before curfew to avoid any scolding. While he enjoys some leftover birthday cake, he talks to his older sister about his newfound crush. ‘You should take her to the park, it’s really the best spot for dates. I took Weston there and he ended up being my boyfriend!’ Tortoise advises him.


Love is everywhere. Even still with the two oldest members of the house, who have loved each other and will love each other their whole lives. Nothing ever came between them, isn’t that beautiful?


The next day, the teens go on a fieldtrip together to the mausoleum. They learn a lot about the dead, and how it’s inevitable for everyone, including their parents who will one day rest here as well. Though maybe it would be nice to have a special graveyard for the legacy bloodline…


Wolf doesn’t concern himself with any of that yet though. He’s way too busy swaying the heart and mind of Allanna! Straight after the fieldtrip he calls her to meet up together at the pool.


Jaguar on the other hand has always been a good kid and would never skip his homework for dates with girls. On the contrary, he decides to do his homework right here at the graveyard. This might be a little too much…


Wolf and Allanna find each other at the entrance of the pool and completely forget to go inside. They are way too caught up in each other and talk for hours right in front of the door!


After the sun went down, Wolf decides to make his move. While Allanna is talking about athletics, a trait they both share, he suddenly grabs her and kisses her in the heat of the moment!


Though surprised at first, Allanna doesn’t doubt her own feelings and answers his kiss just as passionately. And so the two spend the rest of the evening tasting each other’s lips at the pool.


They just can’t get enough!


That is, until they get broken up by the police! Whoops, they totally forgot about curfew. And so their date ends, with a ride back home in the back of a police car.


While Wolf and Allanna had their date, Jaguar aged up into a young-adult! Unfortunately he totally forgot about it so there was no birthday cake.


Jaguar grows a little scruffy beard and turns out to be a really handsome sim! He gains the trait Supernatural Fan (which is unfortunate because there are no supernatural creatures in this legacy). Now it’s time for him to completely focus on completing his LTW, so he can find love and move out! But it will have to wait for the next episode…


Postponing elderhood one last time!

Tortoise goes on a date with her love interest, and Fox enjoys her last night as an adult!

It’s date time! Finally our lovely generation two kids are at the right age to start exploring the wonders of love. Who would’ve thought that our neurotic kleptomaniac Tortoise would be the first one to score a date? His name is Weston Loera-Dreamer and he’s quite handsome.


Tortoise and Weston decide to have some fun at the festival park, just like her dad advised her to do. Weston surprises her by suddenly throwing a water balloon at her, but Tortoise is (despite her name) agile enough to avoid it! They start a real battle and spend most of the day splashing balloons at each other.


‘You know, Weston, I really like you. I feel like you’re the only one that truly gets me, unlike my parents or my stupid siblings…’ Tortoise confesses to her date. She’s got a really big crush on him.


Weston smiles at her. ‘To me you are the most beautiful girl in the school! I’ve had my eye on you since the first day in class. You are just so interesting and smart! And how you stole that pen from that idiot bully Derick King-Diwan, that was just amazing.’ He stands a little bit closer to her and looks at her with a shy glance. ‘May I kiss you?’
‘Why do you even ask.’


With that shy kiss, Tortoise is everything but satisfied, so she decides to take the wheel and grabs what she wants!


‘So, now that we kissed and all, wanna be my boyfriend?’ she asks him right after. Weston immediately agrees! And so they kiss once more.


‘We should go home now, my love. It will get dark soon and we don’t want you grounded again for skipping curfew,’ Weston tells his brand new girlfriend. Tortoise agrees, though secretly she couldn’t care less about curfew. ‘Alright, I’ll miss you!’


Tortoise watches her brand new boyfriend leave the park with a loving smile on her face. She’s never looked this friendly before!


Later that evening, Fox decides to celebrate her last night as an adult. Tomorrow it’s her elder birthday, so she’s got one more day left to enjoy her youth. She decides to visit the Prosper Room, where she can hang out in the VIP lounge without being bothered by paparazzi or fans, since she’s a two-star celebrity at the moment. On her way up, she gets stuck in the elevator though!


Luckily the VIP-lounge has a fancy hot tub where she can wear off that embarrassment.  She takes the time to over think her live so far. When she thinks back to her first day in Lucky Palms, she’s quite proud of what she has accomplished. A loving husband, three beautiful kids and an amazing place to live… she couldn’t wish for anything more!


The rest of the evening, she spends having fun! There’s a bubble machine where she tries out all the tastes.. hopefully no one heard her burp, whoops.


And there are arcade games in which she totally loses herself!


By the time it’s midnight, the music turns up and the dance floor opens! And so Fox rushes to the dance floor to enjoy her young and healthy body for as long as she can!


After having one last drink, she decides it’s time to go home and face the fact that the elder stage is waiting for her. It’s time to spend her days gardening, reading and cooking nice meals for the kids.


The next day it’s also time for Wolf’s teen birthday! Ariel takes one last chance to pinch the cheeks of his cute kid. ‘In a moment you will be a teen and I won’t have any cute and puffy cheeks to punch anymore! Just let me be this one time..’
‘Ugh… dad… can we please move on to the cake now?!’


And so Wolf gets to blow out the candles with the whole family present! He actually managed to get a B in school, which is quite the accomplishment considering his stupid trait.


He turns into quite the handsome teen! He gains the random trait bot-fan, not very significant but ahh well, at least he’s gonna be quite the stunner for the ladies in high school! Whether he can find some lovely girls there, will have to wait for the next episode…


Teen troubles and pranks

Ariel turns into an elder, and helps out Wolf with his homework. Tortoise gets herself in trouble, and the teens start a little prank war!

We had been waiting for it for a while, but now it is finally and unfortunately happening: Ariel is turning into an elder! Since he really has no desire to ‘celebrate’ this sad occasion, he just aged up next to his chess table.


Age really took away all his handsome traits. All we can see now is a grandpa unfortunately.. I’m sure Fox will miss his handsome face, but she will love him regardless of course.


The two spares of the family, now both teenagers, are working hard on getting their LTW done as soon as possible, so they can move out and start their own families once they are young adults.


Wolf is mostly forever stuck doing his homework. Since he’s got the stupid trait, he really has a hard time finishing it. Luckily a few opportunities to improve his grades came along, so he manages to stay in the green, but an A is still very far away and his birthday is actually quite close.


Day and night he works on it, stressing himself out a lot. His siblings aren’t much of a help. They prefer eating breakfast, lunch and dinner instead of taking the time to help their little brother out.


Luckily, Wolf has got a grandpa dad who is retired and has all the time in the world to help him out. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really improve the speed of finishing the homework. He still has to work hours on it to get it done and is only able to actually finish his homework when he has got a whole weekend for it.


Now that Fox doesn’t have to take care of her kids anymore like when they were toddlers, she spends most of her free time reading all the books from their personal library. She is four days younger than her husband, so her elder birthday is coming up soon as well.


Tortoise is a kleptomaniac and tries to sneak out in the early morning to do some stealing at the neighbour’s house. Unfortunately, Lucky Palms has psychic cops who immediately catches her being outside during her curfew… She tries to run for it…!


But unfortunately the cops catches her anyways and brings her home. (he was actually waiting for her at the house, and she ran straight into him…)


And so it’s the first time Fox has to scold one of her children! ‘How dare you go out at 5am in the morning to break into the neighbour’s house?! Are you insane?! This is not how I raised you! You are GROUNDED missy!’


As soon as Fox is out of sight, Tortoise calls her love interest to complain about her mom. ‘I just can’t believe it. I only wanted to nick some stuff so that we could pay for the furniture we are still missing! I just want a normal TV you know, and a toilet that doesn’t clog all the damn time! Anyways, it seems we will have to postpone our date because my mom just grounded me. UGH!’


Being completely bored inside the house, Tortoise takes it out on her older brother by pranking their shower. Jaguar is not pleased at ALL, being the victim of misplaced revenge…


But, he’s not the only one that knows how to pull a prank, so he gives Tortoise a taste of her own medicine, by pranking the toilet. Ohh, the mischief!


The prank hits its target, and Tortoises gets completely soaked! That’s what you get for messing with your older brother…


While Fox is out and about collecting gems and animals to sell them at the consignment shop, Ariel decides to let Tortoise off the hook so she can go on her date after all. ‘I’m sure you have learned your lesson by now. I will talk to your mom. You go along and have fun with your boy at the park. Love is more important than your punishment! Did you know I met your mother at the exact same park you are going to now? You will never know when you might meet your true love! Grab every chance you get!’
‘Thanks dad, but it’s really just a teen date. No need to think about marriages yet… I’ve only been a teen for a few days now after all.’
‘Trust me kid, time flies. I know all about it. My gray hair is proof of that.’


And so Tortoise is allowed to go on her date after all! But how it turns out and what her love interest looks like? It will have to wait for the next episode…